Thursday, March 19, 2009

How Much Is A Customer Worth?

It typically cost more to attract a customer than it is to keep them.

How do you put a dollar figure on a potential customer? That's a challenge but you could easily put a dollar figure on marketing efforts to appeal to potential customers. Marketing decision are often based on research you conduct on your customer base, the population you are gearing your efforts to. Asking important questions such as "What are people looking for?" and "What do people want?"

A smart move that more companies are making is concentrating their efforts on direct mail. Of course there is no guarantee that your investment will come back more than you put in. However, that is where researching your customer base becomes important. Researching the economic status, gender, age, and cultural of the market you are interested in will help you figure out where to focus your direct mail budget.

Direct mail marketing tools are a great way to ensure you are appealing to your customer base.

Be The First To Introduce Your Business

New movers are often eager to establish relationships with a wide range of businesses. Potential customers have a wide variety of needs. Depending on if they live in a condo, an apartment, a house or a retirement community, new movers may be interested in a daycare, a golf course, or lawn service. Income, culture, and age are some of the demographic factors that are important to consider when introducing your business to potentially new customers.

Knowing these factors can help you to streamline your new mover direct marketing ideas when you are trying to catch the eye of a new mover in your neighborhood. Those of you that live in the area of your business have an advantage. Those of you that don't have a little more foot work to do. But that foot work can pay off.

Being the first to reach new movers in the area means being innovative with marketing ideas that catch the person's eye and caters to the new mover's needs. What do people need when they first move into a new home? Be the first to give it to them.